neděle 2. června 2013

Iris pseudacorus L.

I grow Iris pseudacorus a second year. The first winter I had a plant in a pot at home, because there was no time to deal where to place the plant in the garden in  late autumn. Sometimes I watered rhizomes to soil does not dry out completely. I planted rhizomes into the soil last spring. The plant created about 1 m high leaves but not flowered.
Iris pseudacorus is native to Europe and the British Isles, Western Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean region. Although I. pseudacorus occurs naturally in wetland habitats, growing in the garden without specific requirements for wet environments. Owing to an abundant rainfall in this year I do not water the plant.
Stiff leaves remained green through the winter and dried up in late winter and spring. New leaves grew to 1.5m and develop flower stalks usually with three flowers that were beginning to bloom in mid-May.

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