week I received a shipment of new arisaemas. I had intended to plant bulbs in
the garden, but some of them were already sprouting, namely A. nepenthoides and
A. griffithii var. pradhanii. Because the weather is bad I planted them in the
pots. I had a bad experience with the cultivation of these species yet. The tubers
in one season always rotten in the pot. So I was inspired by the advice of Udai
C. Pradhan´s book “Himalayan Cobra-Lilies (Arisaema) Their Botany and Culture”
and I filled the pots halfway with crushed polystyrene. Then I poured a thin
layer of coarsely crushed bark into a pot. I put a tuber on the layer and
filled up a pot with substrate. I mixed substrate of light peat, compost and
gravel (grain size 4-6 mm) in the ratio 3:1:1. I incorporated into the substrate
a preparation against soil and other pests and crushing charcoal
(as a disinfectant).
So we will see how arisaemas do well in pots
this year….
OdpovědětVymazatI came across your post about Arisaemas.
I have a so-so experience with these.
Two years ago I bought 3 A. griff. var. prad. and I put one in a pot and two in the garden.
The one in pot rotted
The two in the garden, well, produced each a leaf in the first spring, but then the next spring nothing! Probably the soil was bad? Too cold? Too much humidity? Who knows?
This spring I received a nice A. ringens, I put it in a pot, grew nicely and even flowered. I was happy.
I would like to try again the A. griff. var prad. - but I don't want to just pay money for nothing.
Where do you buy yours?
CALIN (Romania)
romkore at yahoo dot com
in case you want to keep in touch
VymazatI bought them at They have quite reasonable prices.
Arisaemas are quite inscrutable plants. I have already killed enough of them. The cause was always a rot.
So far the weather is nice, so they are still in the ground, but I intend to dig out them before the winter because they do not like wet central European winter. I have a few plants, so I can not afford to experiment with them.
I am curious about their condition, how many of them survived the season, because some tubers finished the vegetation too soon in my opinion.